I’m a cognitive scientist and PhD candidate at the NYU Center for Data Science, advised by Brenden Lake and Todd Gureckis. I’m excited about understanding the human mind and leveraging ideas from human cognition to develop more human-like artificial intelligence. My dissertation (writing in progress) offers theoretical, empirical, and computational advances in the study of goals: how do we represent, reason about, and come up with them? Recently I’ve become interested in similar questions around large language models, which has led me to starting working on language model interpretability (which I currently do as a visiting researcher at Meta FAIR).
In my non-academic life, I live with my wife Sarah and our dog Lila, and spend time making homemade hot sauces, playing board games, and lifting weights.
PhD in Data Science
New York University
MPhil in Data Science
New York University
BSc in Computational Sciences
Minerva University